Bray's Cottage Pork Pies
After some serious searching we discovered Bray's Cottage pies, and we are so glad we did! In a world of chemical-ridden compressed pink meat encased in soggy pastry shines the bright light of hand-formed, hand-crimped gorgeous pastry surrounding generous portions of meat, not offcuts, that comes from the best pork from outdoor reared Norfolk pigs. Mixed with the family secret recipe of herbs and spices and baked to a deep gold, these are pies to celebrate and share. And just in case you are worried, there is not a jot of jelly. None.
We stock them in 2 flavours; naked (plain, although there's nothing plane about them) and Orange Marmalade, the best seller. We also rotate a third flavour from like likes of chorizo, chilli and local wild garlic in the spring.
You can choose from an individual pie of minimum 100g, or a 'medium' (er...I'd say large) of about 400g.